Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday Winners - Post Season Legends 01

 We had some more special requests come in for some Play-off Legends.  These cards are made using only the playoff stats.  The thing I like about these first three offerings is how they are all dominant starting pitchers but also how different they are.  

Mad-Bum gets a solid Tier 2 card with a control 5 and no extra base hits.  While he does have a risk of the death by paper cuts here he'll most likely play just like he does in real life...he may give up the occasional hit but mostly it will be limited to singles.

Schilling is also a Tier 2 stud.  However, he sits on an extreme.  with his 18 outs he can absolutely destroy a team. Nothing is more frustrating as a batter than rolling an 16-18 and's still an out.  However his control of 3 will mean that he has the occasional opportunity to give up chart to a batter than can hurt him.


Jon Lester, also a Tier 2, sits at the other end of the spectrum from Schilling.  His Control 6: 1-15 out card won't give up chart often but he does have a slight chance of giving up that double on his own chart.  Like the real Lester though he will be in control a lot...and if you are playing by our rules, anytime you roll that 20 for the pitch, that double can't hurt you.

1 comment:

  1. These are so awesome!! I completely forgot how dominate Lester was in the postseason, and I love how this guy can give you a CG when you need it!

    That said, super neat to see how similarly epic Bumgarner and Schilling were in the postseason with these Tier 2, no doubles cards! I know that some people are concerned with a C3, but I really like that Schilling (also super cool that he's the same points as his 00 card!).
