Friday, September 11, 2020

House Rules 4 - The Manager's Options (SB, IBB, Bunts)

So I mentioned Manager's Options and one way we've played it but I thought I should go into a bit more depth for each of the options.  This is a bit different than most I'd guess but it adds some strategy and choice into the game.  The three options are Stolen Bases, Intentional Walks, and Bunts.

Manager Options

Each manger has a set of Manager Options that they may make each game.  You may use the following options up to 5 times per game but you may use each option a maximum of 3 times each.



• Stealing 2nd base: Defense rolls the D20 + Battery Score. If the total is higher than the runners SPEED, the runner is out.

• Stealing 3rd base, Defense rolls the D20 + 2x Battery Score. If the total is higher than the runners SPEED, the runner is out.

• If the Defense roll + Battery Score is 5 or less, make a second Defense roll + 2B and SS FIELDING.  If the total is less than 10 the runner is safe and all runners advance 1 base.  This counts as an error on the catcher and any runs scored as a result are unearned and do not count toward pitcher tiredness.   


Sacrifice Bunt – SacBunt:

Original rules made SacBunts automatic...that was boring so...

You may not suicide squeeze (may not bunt to advance a runner from third base).  The Batter rolls the D20 on the Pitchers chart.

• If the result is an Out(PU) or an Out(SO); the Batter is out and no runners advance.

• If the result is an Out(GB), Out(FB), Walk; The Batter is out and the runners advance.

• If the result is a hit, (and the bunter is not a Pitcher) all runners advance and the Defense rolls the D20 + Infield FIELDING.  If the total is less than the batters SPEED the batter is safe also.


Intentional Walk – IBB:

Move the batter to first base and all forced runners ahead 1 base.  The next batter in the lineup receives +1 to his ON BASE.  This does not count as a BB for pitcher tired.


As with always RED text is what we consider the Expert Rules and we don't always play with those.

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